Dentures East Kilbride

NHS and cosmetic dentures are available from our dental clinic in East Kilbride. Dentures are the simplest solution to replace missing teeth and are removable. The aimed end product of all dentures will be a natural appearance and in the case of partial dentures consistent with the surrounding teeth.

Why do I need dentures?

Dentures are used simply to replace lost teeth.

They can often be a more affordable and simpler treatment than Dental Implants

This may be in the form of what's known as a 'partial' denture which is used if you're simply trying to fill a space where you've lost a row of teeth for instance. There are real benefits to having a partial denture. If you have quite a few missing teeth, there can be a real impact on the natural shape of your mouth due to the remaining teeth/tooth moving into the surrounding space. This could cause some damage to the remaining teeth and your bite will also be affected.

The partial denture is fixed to natural teeth by two methods of application. We will either fasten the denture to your natural teeth with a metal clasp or we may decide that the better option would be to use a precision attachment. This comes in two parts wherein one part is fastened to your teeth and the other is part of the make-up of the denture. The denture can then be easily and comfortably removed as required.

A 'full' denture set is used to replace all of the teeth in your mouth. They are fitted to your gums by our experienced dental practitioners. When you've lost all of your natural teeth, a carefully made denture, produced by our expert laboratory technicians to fit your mouth, will make a remarkable difference in how you're able to eat and talk. It's also a great help to maintain the shape of your face and your jawline. Eating will take some practice and it won't happen overnight but many of our patients have gone through the same procedure as you and they soon get used to it.

Where do we start?

Our experienced dental practitioner will arrange a consultation with you before any treatment is commenced and a treatment plan will be set up and agreed with you.

Your dentist will measure your mouth for the comfort of fit of your dentures (partial or full set) and an impression will be made. This will be sent to our highly qualified dental laboratory technicians who will produce and supply your dentures to the very highest specification. The dentures are made of either acrylic or metal, or a combination of both materials. Whichever is used, the material will be chosen to suit you and what's best for you. Very many people wear dentures and it might take a little time to get used to them... but please be assured that you will.

Can dentures be fitted immediately after my teeth are removed?

It is sometimes advisable to wait a while before fixing your dentures. Your gums may be a little tender and they may take time to heal. However, it is possible to have your dentures fitted straight after surgery but this will all depend on the results of your consultation, which your dentist will carry out before the procedure is commenced.

Your dentures will last you many, many years. Look after them well and follow the advice given by your dental practitioner in how to maintain and care for your dentures and very little will need to be done. There is, however, the need to check with your dentist over time that your dentures still fit properly. You might find that your gums have shrunk a little, or simply that your shape of your face/mouth has changed. If this happens, your dentures do have to be realigned and in some cases re-made. Infection can easily set in if your dentures don't fit properly, so it is essential that you have your dentures checked regularly.

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